For this microlot batch, we sourced beans from Ethiopia and Sumatra. Our lush and syrupy Mocha Java medium-dark roast blend has notes of ripe berry, stone fruit, sweet spice, and a hint of dark chocolate. Ethiopia Gedeb Wuri is a washing station in the Worka Kebele within Gedeb District, not far from Yirga Cheffe. This beam has overt floral jasmine, sweet red honey, and a fruited side that includes orange juice (flavor and acidity), blackberry, and marmalade. Sumatra Pantan Musara is known for their quality, as each lot of coffee undergoes extensive hand sorting in order to meet grade 1 standards. Notes of raw sugar and vanilla, honey aroma, root beer, and bittersweet chocolate are exemplify this microlot. *Our microlot batches are limited one time releases of just 20 total bags roasted to order!
Microlot // Mocha Java